Thursday, 13 October 2011

Current .ASP Project

Hi All!

I have been so occupied with some work lately, but it's never enough for an excuse for not posting my blogs.

You may find yourself in my kind of situation where you need to programme a web site for a client and you have got deadline plus an unfinished work for another client at hand. Never worry; you do not have to go crazy. Just stay focused and try the best you can. Your work may get delivered after your supposed deadline, but give your clients something to marvel at.

Keep your client in awe of you. That is the secret.

I have this project I am working on right now and it takes so much of my time. Here is another job I need to do but I hardly get time to work on it with a stable mind so I am looking forward to pausing the former for the latter.

You could try this. Just make sure you don't put yourself in the furnace: it helps.


L :-)

Friday, 22 July 2011



It's a mild morning here and i have this cold that makes me sneeze now and then. With a towel on my lap to wipe the catarrh off my nose and clearing my throat intermittently, I write you this blog about the Visual Studio IDE.

Before you can fully enjoy the capabilities of VS (referring to Visual Studio) you'll need to understand its environment. I'll introduce you to the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and the code structure of VS.NET. Just like VB 6 to BASIC, VB.NET has a different code structure to its predecessors. Although, if you are a VB 6 user getting to know the VB.NET, you may find that the IDE relates to you.

VB.NET comes with an IDE that is enhanced for effective coding and design. Depending on what platform you'll be working on, you can customise your IDE to suite your programming language need or application development need. That is, for example, you may want the IDE to be displayed to meet either your programming needs or your web development needs.

The Toolbox and other explorers/windows within VS now have the autohide fuction; this allows the objects to clear off the screen to give you more space in the Document Area (this is where you do your actual design or coding).

You also need to know that Visual Studio .NET groups your projects in a Solution (.sln). This imlies that you can have more than one (1) Project (.vbproj / .csproj), of different platforms, co-exist in a Solution. Any project removed from a solution is not actually deleted. Also you may decide to include an existing project from one Solution to another.

This is especially advantageous when developing applications of multiple platforms, which will require different teams to work with their programming language of specialty.

Take for instance, you and a friend are trying to develop this application for a school library. The school library wants to have an application running on the library's frontdesk that registers a borrowed or returned book just by student identification number. Then the application will pull students informaion from the school's web server. You are the "genius" in VB.NET but have no programming knowledge about servers. Now your friend creates ASP.NET 4 web sites in C# and is so grounded in server programming. And he says: "that's a brilliant idea my friend; let's develope a solution with two (2) projects in it - and c# projects."

Generally, the code window comes up when you double-click an object in Design view. You may also click on the form in the Solution Explorer; in the toolbox that appear at the top of the Solution Explorer press view code button.

VS .NET is so rooted in the OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concept. This implies that one object/class inherits properties from its parent class just like you inherit traits from your parents.

I hope by now you have some glimpse about VS and you have fell in love with it. Look out further for my blogs on VS as I expose you to many tricks you never knew or thought could be so awesome.

This cold is driving me nuts, so i'll simply say goodbye!

Thursday, 21 July 2011

lean .NET Skill

You feel unprofessional when it comes to programming and say to yourself: "this BASIC knowledge is not getting me anywhere." Actually, you don't have to panic. Every professional out there now once felt like that so it would be alien-like not to feel that way.
I'm happy to tell you that your BASIC or C++ skill is not lost, since .NET is just an upgrade of the BASICs in programming. Just have in mind that the .NET comes with greater advantage and if you're patient enough you'll reap of the fruit.

First, get a VisualStudio 2005, 2008, or 2010 application. Any version at all is okay for a start, be it Enterpise, Professional, or Ultimate. As you progress you may find a need to go for a higher version. This could be as a result of program features such as Cloud programming that is around now or .NET 4 for web site development. Actually, the needs are endless.

Second, prepare your mind to be a great programmer and you'll have to keep practicing.
Remember: "Rome was not built in a day".

Third, get yourself some books to read ( All information you need is hid in some books and the experience, of course, is hid in some brains. You'll have to read works of others to, such as my blogs and blogs of other programmers to help.

You may know how to solve a problem one way, but when you learn from others, you may find out that you've been doing things the hard way or rather wasting resources with your programs.

In my next editions of this blog, i'll be introducing you to ASP.NET 4 and the general concept of programming in Visual Studio. I'll rather call it "VS".