Thursday, 21 July 2011

lean .NET Skill

You feel unprofessional when it comes to programming and say to yourself: "this BASIC knowledge is not getting me anywhere." Actually, you don't have to panic. Every professional out there now once felt like that so it would be alien-like not to feel that way.
I'm happy to tell you that your BASIC or C++ skill is not lost, since .NET is just an upgrade of the BASICs in programming. Just have in mind that the .NET comes with greater advantage and if you're patient enough you'll reap of the fruit.

First, get a VisualStudio 2005, 2008, or 2010 application. Any version at all is okay for a start, be it Enterpise, Professional, or Ultimate. As you progress you may find a need to go for a higher version. This could be as a result of program features such as Cloud programming that is around now or .NET 4 for web site development. Actually, the needs are endless.

Second, prepare your mind to be a great programmer and you'll have to keep practicing.
Remember: "Rome was not built in a day".

Third, get yourself some books to read ( All information you need is hid in some books and the experience, of course, is hid in some brains. You'll have to read works of others to, such as my blogs and blogs of other programmers to help.

You may know how to solve a problem one way, but when you learn from others, you may find out that you've been doing things the hard way or rather wasting resources with your programs.

In my next editions of this blog, i'll be introducing you to ASP.NET 4 and the general concept of programming in Visual Studio. I'll rather call it "VS".

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